An Orphan at the Door

One day a boy who had lived on the streets for years came looking for a home. The only one who could recommend him was another boy at the home who had known the boy on the street. The mother really believed that the new orphan would reform his wild ways and become a fine young man so, based only on the boys need and their own loving hearts they took him in.

The home had a number of rules intended to protect the children and train them to grow up to be virtuous citizens. They included things like no smoking or drinking. Go to bed on time and stay there. Study hard and do all you school assignments to the best of your ability. Respect one another’s property and be kind. They were not unreasonable or difficult. Nor were there too many rules. The children who loved the parents always did their best to obey the rules to honor the parents. The new boy seemed to be so grateful for his new home and family that he too would obey the rules and reap the promised benefits.

Unfortunately, it didn’t take long to see that the boy loved his wild ways more and he ran away. The parents had come to love him anyway and were very sad that he left. They continued looking for his return and praying for him for much of the book. He did return. He was very scared about the consequences of his betrayal but he humbled himself anyway and returned looking for a home. He was not rejected (his biggest fear), or turned away. This time he really appreciated what he had in this family. His new “father” and all his rules were a blessing and the boy was happy to obey them all just to show how much he loved his father and appreciated his home.

This is a picture of many Christians walk with the Lord. They come off the streets into church and are touched by the love of Christ but they don’t really love Him back. They like the benefits that Jesus offers but they are convinced that they can have it both ways. They think they can enjoy the benefits of salvation and life in Christ but continue sinning and feeding their own selfish desires for their old sinful ways. Eventually the strain of living a double life gets to them. That’s what it is, a double life. See the truth is that sin and selfishness don’t allow room for Christ. It’s what Paul talked about in Romans. Our sinful old selves don’t let go.

When we think our selfish desires seem better than God’s ways, we need to pray for love.

When we think we know a better way to live our lives than what God shows us in His Word, we need to pray for love.

When what God offers us doesn’t seem good enough, we need to pray for love.

When people we love are showing signs of pulling away from the Lord and going back to sin, we need to pray for love.

When people we love have left the church and are out there doing it their own, way we need to pray for love.

We need to pray for love. Not to receive love, because God promises that he always loves. We need to pray that we love Him. That’s where the world changes. That’s what makes the difference. That’s when we have breakthrough.

Dear God,

Please fill my heart with love for You. Jesus you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I want to love you more and more every day. Please fill my heart with love for You God, Father, Son, AND Holy Spirit. Please fill my heart with love for everything about You. Help me to love Your statutes and regulations as well as your blessings and gifts. Please also fill my heart with love for Your people and the lost. Amen!

A prayer!

Be Blessed and Encouraged!


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