God’s Girls Newest Bible Study: Beauty Secrets

“Thanks,” Anne mumbled, feeling her cheeks flaming and wishing she could disappear instantly. The entire chemistry lab was staring at her, including the teacher. Why had she ever decided to be part of this homeschool coop? She felt so out of place, so clumsy.

“Stuff like this happens to me all the time,” Jenny Rose admitted quietly. “Just ignore them….five more seconds….one, two, three, four….see, they are back to thinking about other things. The teacher was talking again. No one was looking any more. Anne took a deep breath and the two girls refilled the book bag.

Both girls smiled at one another when the final paper was stuffed back in the bag. A friendship was born that day.

Jenny Rose is absolutely beautiful. She is 5’9″ and slender with long dark brown curly hair that goes down to her waist. She has big beautiful brown eyes. Her lovely smile is contagious! While Jenny Rose is very pretty on the outside, she is also beautiful on the inside. She is gentle and sweet with a tender heart for the Lord. She greets everyone who crosses her path with a kind word and, of course, her friendly smile.

We all long to be beautiful, to look in the mirror and see a dazzling smile, flawless complexion, and shining hair gazing back at us. We want people to say, “Isn’t she a lovely girl?” when we walk away from them. There is something inside a girl or woman that longs to be beautiful. That’s why make-up companies, hair salons, and wrinkle cream businesses make so much money. We will do almost anything to be prettier.

This book exists to help you become the most beautiful young woman you can be! The secrets we share in this book will work now when you are young and will be just as effective when you are my older. So, what do you think it is that makes someone beautiful? Is it a perfect figure? Is it a lovely face? Is it gorgeous hair? Is it the clothes you wear? Does it have something to do with how you move, walk, and talk? Is it who you are inside shining through to the outside?

While people often notice how we look on the outside to decide if a girl is beautiful or not, I Samuel 16:7b says, “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” Since man looks at the outside and the Lord looks at the inside, this Bible Study we will seek to give you guidelines to be both attractive to the people around you as well as to the Lord. Realize that your inward character will actually affect how you look on the outside. Genuine love and joy shine through, softening and lighting up even a plain face. Ultimately it will be the condition of our heart and the relationship we have with Jesus that will truly make us beautiful. Keep this in mind as you go through this study and live your life.

Are you ready for this journey of becoming the most beautiful young woman you can be? True beauty begins with truth and with what you believe to be truth. You see, if you are a believer in Jesus, you belong to God and He loves you very much. You are precious and beautiful to Him. He has an amazing plan of your life that involves His Spirit, His people, and extending His Kingdom to the ends of the earth. But, you are also in a battle with the enemy of your souls. His number one weapon is….LIES!

Until next time, Happy Homeschooling! 

Meredith Curtis

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