Favorite Christmas Traditions

What fun to open stockings at Christmas!  There is something about putting your hand inside and wondering what you will touch.  Enchantment and wonder seem to go along with Christmas.  What makes Christmas so special?  Often, what warms our hearts are the memories of Christmas traditions.

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Finish Well 2012

It is a lovely sunny September day here in Central Florida. I am already counting the days until we can all be together at Finish Well in February 2012. What fun it will be to see familiar faces from the past conferences and to meet new friends.

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The Secret of Joy in Homeschooling

Why is it that we complain about our husbands, children, and homeschooling?

Why do we struggle to be content?

Why do we love the idea of homeschooling, but have days where we hate educating our little ones?

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Total Access Relationships

God made man in his own likeness and image. God made man relational. With these two facts firmly in mind we must realize that God is also relational. He wants to have relationships with each of us. I for one am glad He does. I’ve always enjoyed friendships and companionship. I have especially enjoyed spending time with people who are smarter and more interesting than me. God definitely fits that description.

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New School Year and New Recipes

Meredith and I are so busy getting ready for the school year to start. It’s true. We are keeping our old-fashioned schedules and waiting till September to start school. We are working hard to start two co-ops this week. Busy, busy, busy. We hope you are all doing well with your busy schedules as well.

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A Heritage in the Garden

I just returned from Delaware where I visited my sister.  Her birthday is today, so HAPPY Birthday, Julie!

When I got to her house, I kept noticing butterflies. I wondered if it was a blessing from the Lord to encourage us in our difficult time…we just lost our Daddy. But, within a day or two, I discovered that Julie had planted flowers specifically to attract butterflies.  They were lovely in beautiful shades of purple, pink, yellow, and red.  This led me to her lovely yard. 

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Of Course She Would Call!

Of course, she would call. Why wouldn’t she call? She called at 11:07PM. Nobody calls with good news at 11:07PM. DO they? I was worried when I saw my sister’s phone number come up on the caller ID. What has happened? Who’s in the hospital? These were the questions going through my mind as I answered the phone. I was expecting a frantic voice, or a cry. I heard instead a timid but excited thrill in her voice. “I wanted to thank you for talking to me this afternoon. It gave me a lot of good information that I needed to think about.”

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