Teaching Math

I want to caution you all to not fall into it, if it is not too late. Parents are avoiding math. Moms and dads, we are homeschooling our children. We are not buying books for them to homeschool themselves but that is exactly what many parents are trying to do with math.

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One Response to “Teaching Math”

  1. Meredith Curtis Says:

    I am so grateful for Laura’s wisdom. She has been such a help to my kids for Pre-Calculus and Calculus. But, she brings up a good point that applies to all subjects. God has called us to TEACH our children, not just get them through workbooks or rely on someone else. Homeschooling is a full time job and must be treated in our hearts as a calling too! I want to be excellent in teaching my children! Thank you, for the exhortation, Laura! 🙂

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