Review of Celebrate the Savior

“Look at this baby book!” I grabbed Laura’s arm and pulled her over to the table with the baby book on display.
Laura, who was gazing at science curriculum, reluctantly allowed herself to be dragged away. We were at the FPEA Homeschool Convention in May, 2008 at the vendors’ hall.
“Look! It’s a baby book for Jesus! Is that not the cutest thing in the whole world?” I cooed, picking it up and flipping through the pages. “Look, it says “Before Jesus was born, he was creating the world!” and this page says, “Here are the gifts baby received…” And, here is a page about His parents, God and Mary.”
By now, Laura was interested. We scanned through the book several times, and, of course, I had to buy the unit study.

Pages: 1 2

The Secret of Joy in Homeschooling

Why is it that we complain about our husbands, children, and homeschooling?

Why do we struggle to be content?

Why do we love the idea of homeschooling, but have days where we hate educating our little ones?

Pages: 1 2