Review of Celebrate the Savior

“Look at this baby book!” I grabbed Laura’s arm and pulled her over to the table with the baby book on display.
Laura, who was gazing at science curriculum, reluctantly allowed herself to be dragged away. We were at the FPEA Homeschool Convention in May, 2008 at the vendors’ hall.
“Look! It’s a baby book for Jesus! Is that not the cutest thing in the whole world?” I cooed, picking it up and flipping through the pages. “Look, it says “Before Jesus was born, he was creating the world!” and this page says, “Here are the gifts baby received…” And, here is a page about His parents, God and Mary.”
By now, Laura was interested. We scanned through the book several times, and, of course, I had to buy the unit study.

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The Secret of Joy in Homeschooling

Why is it that we complain about our husbands, children, and homeschooling?

Why do we struggle to be content?

Why do we love the idea of homeschooling, but have days where we hate educating our little ones?

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Total Access Relationships

God made man in his own likeness and image. God made man relational. With these two facts firmly in mind we must realize that God is also relational. He wants to have relationships with each of us. I for one am glad He does. I’ve always enjoyed friendships and companionship. I have especially enjoyed spending time with people who are smarter and more interesting than me. God definitely fits that description.

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Total Access to Grace

Isn’t it great to know that God offers us Total Access to His Grace. We moms can only to do so much, but God’s Grace enables us to do exactly what we need to be doing, as long as we will turn to Him.

As a homeschool wife and mother, I am responsible for caring for my home, loving my husband and assisting him when he needs me, and loving and care for the needs of my children, which includes making sure they get a good education.

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Finish Well is Back Again

We want to equip homeschooling families to finish the high school years well with a firm foundation of faith before hitting college or the workplace. It’s about more than just finishing school to “get it over with”; it’s about preparing the next generation to change the world, to stand firm in their beliefs, and to succeed…not merely survive.

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Summer should be for fun!?

We are all homeschool parents so we know that this is a myth. The children want a break from schoolwork so they can have fun. We want a break from school work for the same reason sometimes. Reality is different however.

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FINISH WELL! is back again, Nov. 5 & 6, 2010

Laura and I are gearing up for FINISH WELL, our homeschooling high school conference on Nov 5-6, 2010.

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We’ve Been Absent Too Long

Good afternoon!

Is anybody out there?

I wouldn’t be surprised if all our readers have given us up for dead. Meredith has continued writing articles for the Take Root and Write digital magazine. I’ve been working hard with my own children, as well as the science and math students I’m helping from other families.

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Two weeks ago I was out of town and last week I was out of it. Driving almost 1600 miles .

And does take a toll on the body. We went to Virginia for a wedding. My children who love the changing colors of the leaves really enjoyed it. I, however, am by no means a fan of the cold. It wasn’t terribly cold, but a nor’easter blew in with us and the weather was rainy and windy for a day and a half. Fortunately the weather cleared before the wedding and everything was lovely. The whole visit was wonderful. We were able to see so many relatives that we haven’t seen or even talked to in years. We were even able to witness the engagement of one of our nephews. I don’t think we could have asked for a better vacation.

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I have these great drinking cups that I got each time I purchased a large soda at the deli in my local grocery store (Publix). They are plastic with a lid which locks on so that they don’t spill. It’s great because on any given day I can have my three pet birds, my four children AND my neighbors’ five children in my living room (all at the same time). The chances of my cup being knocked over are VERY high! They are shaped, and colored like an old fashioned coca-cola glass. They say Coke or Coca-Cola all over them, just like the old glasses. They have an opening for a straw like a fast food disposable lid. Although the cup in imprinted with a notice that they are for one time use only, they are good for months, if not years of reuse with proper cleaning, care, and plenty of fresh straws.

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